This question was explained at season 2 finale of Star Trek: Discovery. After discovery...
18 April 2019 3391 views
In every action, there is an opposite reaction. Every time the Flash goes ahead...
21 September 201 4200 views
Eobard Thawne aka Reverse Flash wasn't there to kill Barry's mom. He was there to...
10 May 2019 15384 views
The Flash's speed is much faster than the speed of light (186,282 miles per second)....
26 December 2019 5317 views
Near the end of Season 5, Arya is well underway in her training as a Faceless Man...
24 January 2020 6364 views
Arya was fortunate enough to train with Jaqen H'ghar, a master of the enigmatic and...
02 February 2020 5384 views
Control downloaded itself into Leland's mind to gain access to the sphere data, But...
15 April 2019 5162 views
Game of Thrones is an immensely popular dark and gritty fantasy series aired on HBO...
01 February 2020 4170 views
Fans of the TV series Game of Thrones were shocked and heartbroken when Jon Snow...
04 February 2020 4192 views